Louis Banks

Louis Banks

Louis Banks is considered one of the Greatest Martial Arts point fighters in the history of the sport. Know to his fans as the Black Prince. He had a illustrious career competing for twenty five years, with over a hundred fights. the Prince went ten years undefeated, and establish himself as one of the fastest kickers in the sport. Banks a American born actor to Lela Robertson a business owner, and Louis Banks a construction manger. He had two sibling a sister Grace, and a brother Tom. The Banks Family are originally from Clemson South Carolina, then moved to North Philadelphia. Louis would spent hours at the movie theater watching movies like Fred the hammer Williamsons Black Caesar, and Shaft, then it was the Kung-Fu movies like Lo Lich Five Fingers of Death, and Ron Van Clief Black Dragon, Lu Feng Five Deadly Venoms, and Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon. These amazing films where very inspiration to him he begin studying the martial arts. Tae-Kwan-Do style first then Shotokan Karate also, Aikido, Judo, Jujitu, weapons- Escrima Sticks, Bo, Sai, Nunchaku, and Samurai Sword. Banks is a member of the Bushi National Team, The United Martial Arts All America Karate Team, The Dillman International Martial Arts Fighting Team, The Professional Karate Association region/best fighter, the Villanova Spring Fest Best All Around ( Male ) Award, the Martial Arts Rating Systems Recognition Award for Competitive Spirt, and Sportmanship. Banks was inducted in the Philadelphia Historic Martial Arts Society Hall of Fame 2015, the Masters Hall of Fame 2016, the Action Magazines Hall of Honors 2017. The Prince as appear in many martial arts magazines - Black Belt, Inside Kung-Fu, Office Karate, and Karate Illustrated. Banks first big break came with a National Television Commercial at the Palace Theater in Hollywood California. His first movie was in 2017 called Gangsters Incorporated a William Lee Film. Banks latest film is called Jackson Bolt two with legendary actor Fred Williamson a Robert Parham film. Louis Banks is an Award Winning Actor, and Martial Arts Champion. and Instructor.
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