Caterina Guzzanti
Caterina Guzzanti made her television debut in 1997 in the popular satirical show "Pippo Chennedy Show". After several successful shows such as "La posta del cuore" (1998), "L'ottavo nano" (2000), "Il caso Scafroglia" (2002), "Bulldozer" (2003), in 2006 and 2007 she took part in the Gialappa's Band's shows "Mai dire lunedì", "Mai dire martedì" and "Mai dire Grande Fratello" on Italia 1. From 2007 to 2010 she played the role of Arianna in the cult series "Boris" for three seasons. In 2008 she was in the cast of "Parla con me", while in 2011 and 2013 she joined pianist Stefano Bollani in the six episodes of "Sostiene Bollani" on Rai3. In 2012 she presented "Nanuk - Prove d'avventura" still on Rai3, with Davide Demichelis. In 2013 she hosted the satirical show "La prova dell'otto" on MTV. At the theater, she played in "Due partite" (2015) written by Cristina Comencini and directed by Paola Rota. Her talent is also discovered in the cinema world and, among her latest personal successes, we find her participation in the films "Escort in Love" (2011) and "Happily Mixed Up" (2014), both directed by Massimiliano Bruno, "Ogni maledetto Natale" (2014) directed by Giacomo Ciarrapico, Mattia Torre and Luca Vendruscolo, "Mollami" by Matteo Gentiloni, presented at the Rome Film Festival in 2019, and "Burraco Fatale" (2020) by Giuliana Gamba.